Creative Writing Coaching

One-to-one Creative Writing Coaching


Brainstorming. Soundboarding. Problem solving. Let’s go…

Book a personalised creative coaching session to help you find your way, break through blockages, and feel confident in your writing!

No writer is an island — we all need a little support and encouragement sometimes. Someone to bounce our ideas off. Someone to share our vision with. Someone to cheerlead from the sidelines as we sweat over our manuscript. Someone to politely nudge us when we’re procrastinating… (Ahem.) And most of all, someone to get excited with — because when creative minds meet, inspiring things happen!

Working one-to-one with other writers is my absolute favourite thing to do. I love hearing about people’s stories, their characters, their ideas, hopes and dreams. I also love puzzling out problems with them, and helping them navigate their way through narrative minefields. And, after fifteen years of working with thousands of writerly-inclined folk, I’ve come to recognise the same patterns when it comes to challenges, sticking points, and staying motivated. With this in mind, I’ve put together four specific coaching packages to tackle each stage of the process, so there’s something to suit every writer, no matter where you are with your story.

Choose from the options below to find out more about each creative coaching package and book a session.

How can creative writing coaching help you?

Whether you're just starting out or need a push to cross the finish line, we can work together to get your head around exactly where you are in your writing journey, where you want to be, and how to get there.

Perhaps you’re not ready for in-depth editing but you still need direction and support. Perhaps you’re dealing with writer’s block, doubt, or imposter syndrome and need a fresh, objective perspective. Perhaps you’re looking for accountability or someone to help you organise your thoughts into something tangible.

Give me your time, let me offer you my brain, and see what creative sparks we can create together…

Personalised mentoring — tailored to you and your writing

Wherever you are in your writing project, whatever plot issue is bugging you, whatever challenges you’re facing on and off the page, we can tailor a coaching session to incorporate everything you need:

  • Get started with a new story: Turn your ideas into a something tangible and start writing with confidence.

  • Solve writing problems: Tackle specific challenges in your writing process and keep moivng forward.

  • Reach the finish line: Stay focused and motivated to reach your targets and finally write ‘The End’.

  • Break through dry spells and blockages: Figure out what’s got you stalled and get back on track if your writing has come to a halt.

  • Balance your writing with real life: Learn how to (healthily) integrate your creative practice into a busy schedule and all the stresses and complications of life*, with well-being as a priority.

(*As a neurodivergent writer I have experience in working with autistic and ADHD authors, as well as the challenges that come with being chronically ill or a carer for others.)

Why work with me?

I’m an award-winning author — from novels to poetry to short fiction to screenwriting — and I’ve been devising creative writing courses and teaching workshops for over a decade as the director of a leading literary organisation. I’ve been an editor for even longer than that, supporting authors with their work, from the very first seed of an idea to the nitty gritty of getting published.

As a writer, I know how important and useful it can be to get one-to-one input on your work — for advice and guidance, objective perspective, encouragement, enthusiasm, and the occasional (respectful) kick up the arse.

I also know that one size does not fit all, and generalised writing advice can only get you so far. In my experience, we make the most progress with creative work when we gain a deeper understanding of what we’re trying to say and how to say it. And that process can be so much easier when you have someone to talk it through with!

But — and this is really important — it’s not my job to tell you what to do.

These coaching sessions are a dialogue — a collaborative process that will hopefully help you understand your own processes better, and find methods of exploring your creativity in a way that suits your brain, your situation, and your story. My job as a mentor is to listen, ask questions, provide a robust sounding board, get a genuine sense of what you’re hoping to achieve, and help you develop strategies and approaches that work for your writing.

(Psst. The trick is, you’ll still be doing the work at the end of the day, so it’s all about making sure you have the skills, resources and motivation to do so!)

How does it work?

Each coaching package includes feedback, one-to-one sessions, and guidance all the way through the process. To get the most out of mentoring, I’ve found it’s really important to offer holistic support from beginning to end — spending time to get to know your writing, and helping you feel confident and excited about sharing it!

We’ll work together in three stages:

1. Pre-session prep

Before we get started, we’ll do a little prep work and ‘getting to know you’ via email. You can send me excerpts, examples, outlines, scribbles, notes, or whatever you think is useful to share ahead of our session (up to 5,000 words). You’re also free (and actively encouraged) to ask questions, tell me about your story and your writing problems, so that I can fully personalise your coaching package to your needs.

2. Online coaching sessions

Choose a 1.5hr or 3hr coaching package, which can be split into shorter sessions over a period of a month. This gives us time to meet and chat, go over any feedback, dive into any problems or challenges you’re facing, and put together a plan for future progress.

Depending on which package you choose, and your specific situation, we’ll focus on a particular aspect of your writing and work towards a tangible outcome so you leave the sessions feeling confident and full of excitement for your project!

3. Follow-up support

After your sessions, I’ll put together a report, cheat sheet, or summary of everything we’ve discussed, along with any relevant resources, suggestions or exercises that might be useful — a handy masterplan you can take with you to move forward and continue the momentum. You can also ask any further questions you may have via email — and I’d absolutely love it if you keep in touch to let me know how you get on!

How do I decide which coaching package to choose?

I’m always happy to chat through the options if you’re not sure, but here’s a quick guide:

If you’ve got a brand new idea:

  • Let’s explore the potential of your project, develop your ideas, and take practical steps to make them happen
    >> try ahas it got legs?’ coaching session

If you’re in the early/planning stages of writing a novel, script, or longform piece of writing:

  • Let’s create a solid outline that’ll give you the confidence to get started and a masterplan for the first draft
    >> try anoutlining & planning’ coaching session

If you’ve got a work-in-progress:

  • Let’s look at where you’re at, where you’re headed, and map out an effective and efficient route to the finish line

  • >> try an ‘anchorage & steering’ coaching session

If you’re feeling stuck and frustrated:

  • Let’s help you find the motivation and strategies to get back on track if your writing has come to a halt, as well as exploring ways to balance your writing practice with other commitments and rekindle the joy in your work

  • >> try a ‘tailor your writing practice’ coaching session

Or if you’re not sure what you need:

  • Let’s start with an initial half-hour no-pressure session to chat about your writing and see how I can help!

  • >> try an introductory mentoring call

Flexible and long-term mentoring options

In addition to the packages above, you can opt for one-off or regular mentoring sessions for accountability check-ins, progress updates, or ad hoc problem solving.

Find out more about developmental mentoring here >>

And if cost is an issue, please get in touch to discuss subsidised or free options — I always want to make sure my coaching and editing services are as accessible as possible.


Click on any of the options above to find out more about each coaching package and book your session.

Or fill out the form below if you have any questions before you book!


Jo is an experienced, capable pair of hands to help you deliver your newborn story into the world. You’ll have to do the pushing and the wailing, but Jo can expertly guide you, and hold your hand when you need it during the birth of your book. She is warm and encouraging, but can also provide the constructive pointers that we all need, and help you to keep an overall perspective over your story and your journey to its completion. Highly recommend.
— Sarah G

“Oh my god you’ve made me so happy with the points you've flagged up. You are so clever! I've been nodding away at your ideas — this is absolute gold dust. Your feedback has come at exactly the right time. Thank you so much for the clarity when I was feeling foggy. I'm so excited, this is exactly the morale boost and the shot in the arm I needed. Your feedback is the best present I've ever had!
— Ellie L

Jo has had a profound impact on my writing. Her wise words have steered me to be better, and her empathy and responsiveness is remarkable. I recommend her whole-heartedly.
— Amanda J

“Jo is extremely talented and knows her stuff when it comes to writing. She has helped me immensely in forming my ideas and structure for my memoir. What started as a simple idea and plan has turned into the beginnings of a comprehensive piece of work in response to her brilliant critique. Her feedback has been thoroughly helpful and encouraging. I really would be lost without her. I will be forever grateful for her help and support she has given me and have had the courage to enter a competition under her guidance. Thank you, Jo!”
— Min D

WOW! Thank you from the bottom of my heart. You get it! You have understood everything I was attempting to do when telling the story. As you know, all writers crave feedback, just to know we’re not shouting pointlessly into the void, and yours has certainly done that.
— Richard F

Jo’s wonderful feedback clarified confusions, encouraged me where to stick to my guns, suggested techniques for improvement, and generally pepped up my confidence no end. From the way she did all this, I knew she knew what she was talking about. Her experience, expertise, insight and kindness have been invaluable and without doubt she’ll be my go-to person as I get further into my novel and seek professional feedback and sound advice. No more floundering around — I’ll just be submitting to Jo from now on. So happy to have found her.”
— Sue C

All Jo had to work with was my novel plan, but the feedback she gave me reignited my enthusiasm, as well as encouraging me to dig deeper and challenge myself more.
— Rachel K

I can't recommend Jo’s services highly enough. The feedback I received was detailed, thorough and framed in a way that was both thought-provoking and encouraging, getting me to consider how I could strengthen what was already on the page and providing a clear path towards achieving that goal. A written report included both big-picture comments and sentence-level in-line suggestions, and the Zoom chat with Jo provided additional thoughts and answered all my questions in a really accessible way. If you are working on a novel, this is definitely something to strongly consider. And if you're working on shorter fiction, I am certain that the other editorial options available are equally as golden.”
— Matt K

Thank you for the work you put in on my story. You gave me the kick up the butt I desperately needed. I feel as though I’ve had a masterclass. I’ve learned a lot. Every comment you made was spot on.
— Kathryn B

“Jo offered really constructive and helpful advice on where to pare things back and where to strengthen my story. Two things which sound deceptively simple, but in reality are not. It requires the person doing the critique to have a hold on the world that you have built and the characters that inhabit that world, whilst simultaneously ‘getting’ you as a writer. I loved speaking to Joit felt like I was talking to a good friend, despite the fact that we had only really communicated via email before. The advice she offered was constructive, but it was more than that; it felt like she truly cared about my writing, my characters and my story — as if she was rooting for all of us from the side-lines.

I wouldn’t hesitate to use Jo’s services again. When you are trying to find your way it can feel difficult and awkward showing your work to others, but my fears were quickly set aside as Jo is so warm, enthusiastic and genuine in her responses. Feedback can be so hard to receive, and I almost always come away from it feeling bruised and needing ‘processing’ time, however after Jo’s I felt confident — in myself and in the writing ahead.”
— Claire